[Unfinished] Suffering

We keep romanticizing suffering. That's all okay. But, if that's all we do about our suffering, we are going in the wrong direction.

Suffering is necessary to feel the joy from its absence. But what if suffering itself becomes joyful. We lose the incentive to overcome it.

We don't think about the end of the dark tunnel, the dawn after a dark stormy night.

We are content with the suffering itself because it's common among our peers. The good old sense of belonging wins over the will to rid ourselves of the pain.

That's why I prefer solitude. There's no other that I subconsciously mimic. There's no one I secretly love, envy or hate. I am an open book, when alone, albeit a messed up one.

A whole lot of us dislike change, including me. Mainly the ones that come unexpectedly, that we have no idea about.


Published: 2024-06-08

Tagged: unfinished thought
